Performs the descriptive analysis of an experiment with a factor of interest.
desc(trat, response, ylab = "Response", xlab = "Treatment", ylim = NA)
Numerical or complex vector with treatments
Numerical vector containing the response of the experiment.
Variable response name (Accepts the expression() function)
x name (Accepts the expression() function)
y-axis scale
The function returns exploratory measures of position and dispersion, such as mean, median, maximum, minimum, coefficient of variation, etc ...
with(pomegranate, desc(trat,WL))
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> General description
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Mean Median Min Max Variance SD CV(%)
#> General 2.259583 2.225 1.54 3.22 0.207465 0.4554833 20.15784
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Treatment
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Mean Median Min Max Variance SD CV(%)
#> T1 1.8425 1.795 1.68 2.10 0.039758333 0.19939492 10.821977
#> T2 1.6775 1.675 1.54 1.82 0.015091667 0.12284814 7.323287
#> T3 2.6175 2.620 2.24 2.99 0.093758333 0.30619983 11.698179
#> T4 2.6200 2.525 2.21 3.22 0.182066667 0.42669271 16.285981
#> T5 2.6375 2.665 2.44 2.78 0.020291667 0.14244882 5.400903
#> T6 2.1625 2.170 2.04 2.27 0.008891667 0.09429563 4.360492