The function performs the construction of graphs of boxes, columns or segments with all the observations represented in the graph.




DIC, DBC or DQL object


Returns with graph of boxes, columns or segments with all the observations represented in the graph.


Gabriel Danilo Shimizu,

Leandro Simoes Azeredo Goncalves

Rodrigo Yudi Palhaci Marubayashi


#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Normality of errors
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#>                          Method Statistic   p.value
#>  Shapiro-Wilk normality test(W) 0.9448293 0.2087967
#> As the calculated p-value is greater than the 5% significance level, hypothesis H0 is not rejected. Therefore, errors can be considered normal
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Homogeneity of Variances
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#>                               Method Statistic   p.value
#>  Bartlett test(Bartlett's K-squared)  8.568274 0.1275737
#> As the calculated p-value is greater than the 5% significance level,hypothesis H0 is not rejected. Therefore, the variances can be considered homogeneous
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Independence from errors
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#>                  Method Statistic   p.value
#>  Durbin-Watson test(DW)  2.104821 0.1924474
#> As the calculated p-value is greater than the 5% significance level, hypothesis H0 is not rejected. Therefore, errors can be considered independent
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Additional Information
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> CV (%) =  10.84
#> MStrat/MST =  0.92
#> Mean =  2.2596
#> Median =  2.225
#> Possible outliers =  No discrepant point
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Analysis of Variance
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#>           Df   Sum Sq    Mean.Sq  F value        Pr(F)
#> trat       5 3.692121 0.73842417 12.31191 2.723541e-05
#> Residuals 18 1.079575 0.05997639                      
#> As the calculated p-value, it is less than the 5% significance level.The hypothesis H0 of equality of means is rejected. Therefore, at least two treatments differ
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Multiple Comparison Test: Tukey HSD
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#>      resp groups
#> T5 2.6375      a
#> T4 2.6200      a
#> T3 2.6175      a
#> T6 2.1625     ab
#> T1 1.8425      b
#> T2 1.6775      b
