Splitting in polynomials for double factorial in DIC and DBC. Note that f1 must always be qualitative and f2 must always be quantitative. This function is an easier way to visualize trends for dual factor schemes with a quantitative and a qualitative factor.

quant.fat2.desd(factors = list(f1, f2, block), response, dec = 3)



Define f1 and f2 and/or block factors in list form. Please note that in the list it is necessary to write `f1`, `f2` and `block`. See example.


response variable


Number of cells


Returns the coefficients of the linear, quadratic and cubic models, the p-values of the t test for each coefficient (p.value.test) and the p-values for the linear, quadratic, cubic model splits and the regression deviations.

See also


Gabriel Danilo Shimizu, shimizu@uel.br


quant.fat2.desd(factors = list(f1=cloro$f1,
f2=rep(c(1:4),e=5,2), block=cloro$bloco),
#> ==========================================================
#> Desdobramento
#> ==========================================================
#>             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
#>   f1:f2: IN  3  75470   25157   5.676  0.003625 ** 
#>   f1:f2: NI  3 493181  164394  37.092 6.882e-10 ***
#> Residuals   28 124098    4432                      
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> ==========================================================
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#> $IN
#>               Linear Quadratic     Cubic
#> intercept    224.700   305.950  1228.200
#> beta1          5.500   -75.750 -1542.567
#> beta2                   16.250   675.000
#> beta3                            -87.833
#> p.value.test                            
#> pb0            0.000     0.020     0.000
#> pb1            0.775     0.497     0.002
#> pb2                      0.460     0.002
#> pb3                                0.003
#> p.value.mod                             
#> linear         0.683     0.683     0.683
#> quadratic                0.284     0.284
#> cubic                              0.000
#> deviation      0.001     0.000       NaN
#> $NI
#>               Linear Quadratic     Cubic
#> intercept    367.600   -26.650 -1791.000
#> beta1        -67.740   326.510  3132.667
#> beta2                  -78.850 -1339.100
#> beta3                            168.033
#> p.value.test                            
#> pb0            0.000     0.874     0.000
#> pb1            0.041     0.046     0.000
#> pb2                      0.017     0.000
#> pb3                                0.000
#> p.value.mod                             
#> linear         0.000     0.000     0.000
#> quadratic                0.000     0.000
#> cubic                              0.000
#> deviation      0.000     0.000       NaN